
Animal Law Italia, as a non profit organization engaged in the promotion and advancement of the legal protection of non-human animals, has been committed for many years in outreach and educational projects, addressed to civil society, professionals and universities, with the goal to stimulate public debate and increase knowledge regarding animal rights and animal protection law.

ALI currently promotes two editorial projects. These projects, bound by the aim of pursuing ALI’s mission, have two different objectives.

The on-line magazine aims at informing and educating citizens about Italian, European and international law and policies, adopted with reference to the protection of animals, with insights into bioethics and animal ethology, through the publication of short articles.

The six-monthly periodical, prepared under the guidance of a scientific committee, aims to contribute to critical reflection and discussion on the issue of the protection of non-human animals, through the involvement of scholars belonging to various disciplinary fields who can stimulate the public debate, concretely contributing to the advancement of legislation.

Both editorial projects are bound by an inter- and multidisciplinary approach, combining legal insights with contributions from related fields of knowledge, such as philosophy, veterinary medical sciences, biology and ethology. Considering the peculiarity of the object of investigation, the weighting of the different aspects that characterize such a complex area of interest is considered essential to properly analyze the role covered by non human animals in our society.

Download the 'Journal of animal rights and law: ethical, scientific and legal aspects'.

Number 0, July 2023

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How to make a submission

On-line Journal

Scholars, researchers, professionals interested in drafting short articles intended to be addressed to a general public, to be published on the on-line Journal in order to inform and raise awareness on law, policies, science and ethics related to the protection of non-human animals can write their contributions in Italian.

Authors guidelines available at this link

Contributions can be sent to [email protected] at any time.

In order to facilitate a smooth operation for the Journal Authors interested in writing articles for the online Journal are ancouraged to write to the editorial secretariat in advace advancing their proposal.

Periodical Journal

Scholars, researchers and professionals are welcome to contribute to the periodical pubblication by drafting in-depth and critical analysis on the subject of the protection of non-human animals, in compliance with the editorial standards available in both English and   Italian.

The Journal of animal rights and law: ethical, scientific, legal aspects accepts manuscripts on a rolling basis. Contributions in Italian, English, French and Spanish are welcomed in order to encourage the debate at European and international level.

Authors can submit their papers via e-mail addressing it to [email protected].

On an annual basis a call for papers will be advanced, calling for a monographic theme to be analysed.

Papers related to the subject matter will be published within a special annex to the regular issue. Authors will be given the opportunity to present their papers and discuss the topic during a webinar organised for this purpose.

The first call for papers is available in Italian and English).

About the Journal

Editor in chief:
Avv. Elisa Scarpino

Periodical Journal in the process of being registered at Court of Bari editorial register.

Director of the Scientific Committee:
Prof. Valerio Pocar

ISSN being assigned.


Alessia Colaianni, Annalisa Di Mauro, Maria Cristina Giussani, Monica Gazzola, Alessandro Ricciuti, Paola Sobbrio, Daria Vitale, Silvia Zanini.

Released every six months

Scientific committee


  • Prof. Francesco ALICINO, Università LUM Giuseppe Degennaro
  • Prof. Riccardo CARDILLI, Università degli studi di Roma Tor Vergata
  • Prof.ssa Diana CERINI, Università degli studi di Milano Bicocca
  • Prof. Francesco Emanuele CELENTANO, Università degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro
  • Prof.ssa Sara DE VIDO, Università Ca’ Foscari
  • Prof. Stefano DOMINELLI, Università degli studi di Genova
  • Prof. Luca LEONE, Università di Pisa
  • Prof.ssa Micaela LOTTINI, Università Roma Tre
  • Prof.ssa Laura Alessandra NOCERA, Università degli studi di Milano Statale
  • Prof.ssa Francesca RESCIGNO, Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna
  • Prof.ssa Mariachiara TALLACCHINI, Università Cattolica del sacro cuore


  • Prof.ssa Luisella BATTAGLIA, Università degli studi di Genova
  • Prof. Franco MANTI, Università degli studi di Genova
  • Prof. Simone POLLO, Sapienza Università di Roma


  • Prof. Giancarlo BOZZO, Università degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro
  • Prof.ssa Paola FOSSATI, Università degli studi di Milano Statale
  • Prof.ssa Annamaria PASSANTINO, Università degli studi di Messina

Editorial board

Giulia Torre, Sara Dal Monico, Giulia Mazzoni

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