It has been three years since the entry into force of the new Code on Entertainment signed by Franceschini, which aimed at ending the use of animals in circuses; nothing has happened. Politicians have not been able to implement relevant laws, despite the minister being the same; de facto leaving this regulation unfulfilled, thus preventing Italy from featuring among those countries that respect both animals and nature.

For this reason, Animal Law Italia and GAIA Animal & Ambiente Onlus have sent an open letter to Minister Franceschini, calling for the implementation of this regulation, despite it being too “soft”, to ensure the “gradual withdrawal of the use of animals” in circuses. 

A progressive proposal that, alas, remains locked in the Ministry’s drawers. It could potentially stay there for a long time, given the fact that the Committee for Culture within the Senate has not yet carried out an assessment of the law brought forward by the first Conte Government in May 2019. The law that Conte brought forward aimed to rekindle the issuing of legislative decrees for the Entrainment Code, which expired on the 27th December 2018.  

Three years ago, we believed we were at a turning point and that the reform could be adopted quickly. We acknowledge that this did not happen and note the lack of communication regarding how the Mibact intends to meet its goal.

With this letter, we moreover wish to draw the minister’s attention to the fact that we do not stand against tradition but against the use of wild animals in circuses. This practice is quite a contrast to the ethology of these species and has been condemned by the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe and is prohibited in an increasing number of countries.

The abolition of the use of animals does not prevent shows from continuing; featuring clowns, jugglers, trapeze artists and other roles.

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